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Product ownership#

All individual team members working on a product owns the product and has full responsiblity for things to get done. What this means is that if a team member notice that something is not done correctly or at all, she is responsible for it to be done. This doesn't necessarily mean that she should do it by herself, but notify another team member or the team as a whole about the problem. It's under no circumstances allowed to think that a specific problem is someone elses problem.

Customer love#

We love our customers and love to solve their problems. We don't build products just because it's fun (it is fun <3), but we do it to help our beloved customers. When our products and services simplify the life of our customers and we see our work is used an appreciated. That is when we feel true happines and joy.

Focus on key features#

The customers we love so much and everybody in our team will come up with ideas of new features all the time. We will also implement many of them just because it's easy, which can be fine because we are also agile. But the majority of our time is spent on features that really matter. We would rather have one well thought out feature that is implemented with high quality, than many features that was easy to build, but lacks quality.


Keep It Simple Stupid - Things can at first look simple, but when new ideas are added it will get more and more complex. At that time we take one step back and finds the real problem we are solving and simplifies it. Everything can be simplified, and it might be hard now, but if not it will become even harder in the future.

Small teams with focus#

Our companies are divided into small teams, which have a clear and simple purpose. Everybody should know what is supposed to be accomplished and be able to keep razor sharp focus on key problems and the tech that is used. The teams have a flat hierarchy and takes fast agile decisions together. Each team should infact be able work as it's own company if needed.

Think Big act small#

All our companies have international growth ambitions. By that all products and services should be able to scale to multimillion users. We do however start small and it's more than ok to build things that can't be scaled in the beginning. First we solve a problem fast and cheat when possible. Because we need to validate that our product really solve the problem our loved customers have. When our product is validated it's time to refactor, rebuild and create a scalable product.

Fail fast#

We want our solutions to be validated by the customers fast. If possible with just a powerpoint, google sheet, a new proccess or a quickly developed mvp we do that. It's better to build something bad for a couple of days, than build perfection for a couple of years, if the result is that we didn't solve the customers problem. But when we have validated that the customers problem is solved, we double down on our solution and starts to build perfection.


We strive to share all kinds of information and thoughts within our teams, between teams, to customers and everybody else. If everybody has access to all possible information they can by themself take decisions that are for the greater good. Unfortunately all information can't be shared, for example when NDAs are signed with customers or when we have a competitive advantage we don't like to share with our competitors.